The ACLU of Indiana is overseen by a Board of Directors that consists of 12 regional directors, nine at-large directors and nine board-appointed directors. The Board of Directors meets at least three times a year to set policy, appoint the executive director as needed, acquire and dispose of property, and engage in other activities consistent with the mission of the organization. Directors serve three-year terms. Members of the Board of Directors receive no compensation for their services.

Current members of the Board of Directors include:
Tamara Winfrey-Harris, President, Indianapolis
Robert Dion, Secretary, Evansville
Emma Crossen, Treasurer, Terre Haute
Sara Hindi, AEO Officer, Carmel
Bryan Ayers, Westfield

Emma Crossen, Terre Haute
Robert Dion, Evansville
Anthony Fargo, Bloomington
Luis Fuentes-Rohwer, Bloomington
Thaddeus Gerardot, Fort Wayne

Kyle Grubbs, North Manchester
Christopher Hegarty, Lafayette
William Harrington, Avon
Lakshmi Hasanadka, Indianapolis
Rev. Gray Lesesne, Indianapolis
Mark McMurtrey, Valparaiso
Melinda Messineo, Muncie
Hudnall Pfeiffer, Indianapolis
Liz Sheldon, Indianapolis
Ellen Wu, Bloomington