Following the 2020 election, the fight for voting rights remains as critical as ever. Politicians across the country continue to engage in voter suppression, efforts that include additional obstacles to registration, cutbacks on early voting, and strict voter identification requirements. Through litigation and advocacy, the ACLU is fighting back against attempts to curtail an essential right in our democracy, the right to vote.

In the courts, we successfully blocked an Indiana law that would have allowed voters to be purged from the voter rolls based solely on second-hand information without notice or an opportunity to correct the record. We also won a challenge to an Indiana law that would have made it a felony for a voter to take a ballot "selfie" at the polls or to share it on social networks.

Through our Yes! You Can Vote! campaign, we're working to bust common myths about who can vote Indiana, in particular educating formerly incarcerated Hoosiers that their voting rights are restored after they re-enter into the community.

The right to vote is a critical cornerstone of our democracy and part of guaranteeing every vote counts equally is ensuring fair redistricting. In 2021, we joined our coalition partners in calling for a fair and transparent redistricting process. Elected officials should not be allowed to pick their voters; voters should pick their elected officials.

Know your voting rights