Media Contact

Nicole Erwin, Communications Manager for PPAA-IN, 502-260-8678; 

August 21, 2024

Indianapolis, IN — Today marks one year since Indiana’s near-total abortion ban was enacted, a significantly devastating milestone in the state’s history. The ban's impact has been profound, with countless individuals unable to access the essential care they need. Doctors and medical professionals across Indiana are increasingly restricted in their ability to provide comprehensive health care.  These radical restrictions are not grounded in science or medical necessity.  Instead, they are the result of extremist politicians who have placed themselves between patients and their health care providers. As the first state to call a special session to impose a near-total abortion ban, Hoosiers continue to face these far-reaching consequences daily. 

As a direct result of these limitations, many Hoosiers have been forced to navigate a landscape of reduced access to health care, including maternity care. Political agendas have compromised their well-being. In response, several key organizations in Indiana have come together to defend, inform, organize, and amplify the voices of Hoosiers. We are united in the belief that access to comprehensive reproductive health care, including abortion, is not only a winning issue but also a uniting one — bringing together people from across political, religious, and regional divides to defend and affirm the right to comprehensive reproductive health care.

Together, PPAA-IN, Women4Change Indiana, ACLU-IN, Good Trouble Coalition, Hoosier Jews for Choice, Our Choice Coalition and Indiana Task Force want to send a clear message to anti-abortion politicians: 

“This November, we will take control of our future by electing leaders who will protect and expand our rights. Hoosiers who oppose abortion bans are the majority, and we demand the power to decide what’s best for our families, our bodies, and our lives.” 
Focusing on these issues is vital for our communities and reflects the will of the majority of voters across Indiana, as a recent poll confirms:

Key Poll Findings:

  • 70% of Hoosiers are less likely to support incumbents who voted for the 2022 abortion ban. 
  • 72% are less likely to support those who blocked a referendum on the state’s abortion policy.
  • 58% say that abortion will be a key issue in how they vote this fall. 

As we approach the 2024 elections, people across Indiana are mobilizing to protect birth control, in vitro fertilization (IVF) and to restore safe, legal abortion: 

  • 94% of Hoosiers oppose restricting access to birth control, including intrauterine devices (IUDs).
  • 92% oppose criminalizing IVF. 
  • 80% oppose banning the use of mifepristone (the abortion pill) without exceptions.
  • 63% oppose granting personhood status to a fetus at conception. 

We're fighting for everyone's right to decide when to become a parent and control their bodies and futures. Together, we will remind our legislators that this is a reproductive health election, now and until our rights are restored. When we decide — we win.