Media Contact

Ariella Sult, Director of Communications,

December 22, 2021

A preliminary injunction was granted today in the American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana lawsuit, filed in September, on behalf of Pendleton Heights Gay-Straight Alliance (PHGSA) against South Madison Community School Corp. The lawsuit claims that Pendleton Heights High School (PHHS) has imposed unequal burdens on the student group. 

The order issued by U.S. District Court Judge Sweeney will require PHHS to provide the gay-straight alliance group with the same rights provided to other student groups, such as the opportunity to advertise, fund raise, and be listed in the Handbook, as litigation continues. 

The ACLU of Indiana released the following statement: 

“The student led Gay Straight Alliance group at Pendleton Heights High School must be treated in the same manner that all other student groups are treated.  

“While this isn't the first time the ACLU of Indiana has had to take on a public school for treating a GSA group differently than other student led organizations, we hope that public schools throughout the state will take notice and forgo future challenges by providing equal treatment to all student groups. 

“The ACLU of Indiana will continue to work to ensure that all schools in our state provide GSA groups and other student led groups with the equal rights granted to them by the U.S. Constitution.”